


    美国威斯康星大学法学院博士研究生(2014- )。复旦大学法学院国际法博士(2008-2012),美国威斯康星大学法学院法律硕士(2013-2014),中国ued登录地址研究中心战略研究室助理研究员(2012-2013),耶鲁大学麦克米兰国际与地区研究中心福克斯国际访问学者(2010-2011)。主要研究方向为ued登录地址法律与政策、世界贸易组织法和国际争端解决。





Yuanyuan Ren 


S.J.D.candidate at the University of Wisconsin Law School, the United States. She received her PhD in international law from Fudan University Law School (2012) and LL.M. from the University of Wisconsin Law School (2014). She was a Fox International Fellow at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies in Yale University from 2010 to 2011, and served as an assistant professor at the Polar Strategic Studies Division of Polar Research Institute of China from 2012 to 2013. Her research interests are in the areas of polar law, WTO law, and international dispute resolution.


Email: kate.y.ren@gmail.com